
How to install language for your Typecho

2020-10-17 88 10/17

How to install language for your Typecho

  1. Download your language file ( end with .mo ) from tree/mo
  2. Upload it to path /usr/langs in your Typecho. If that folder doesn't exist, you can create it before upload it.
  3. Go to control panel of Typecho to switch to your language. It often locates at http://your-blog-url.com/admin/options-general.php

如何给 Typecho 安装语言包

  1. 从 tree/mo 分支中下载已经编译好对应语言的 .mo 文件。
  2. 上传该文件到 Typecho 的 /usr/langs 文件夹中。如果文件夹不存在,请自行创建。
  3. 进入 Typecho 后台切换语言,选项位于 设置 - 基本 中。

Multi-language Translation to Typecho

  1. Fork this repo and clone to local.
  2. Start your translation road by using PoEdit.
  3. Push update to your forked repo, and then pull a request to offical repo which named typecho/languages.

Typecho 多语言翻译



